Source code for zero_ex.order_utils

r"""Order utilities for 0x applications.


Install the package with pip::

    pip install 0x-order-utils

Some methods require the caller to pass in a `Web3.BaseProvider`:code: object.
For local testing one may construct such a provider pointing at an instance of
`ganache-cli <>`_ which has the 0x
contracts deployed on it.  For convenience, a docker container is provided for
just this purpose.  To start it::

    docker run -d -p 8545:8545 0xorg/ganache-cli


from enum import auto, Enum
import json
from typing import cast, Tuple, Union

from pkg_resources import resource_string
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict

from eth_typing import HexStr
from eth_utils import keccak, remove_0x_prefix, to_bytes, to_checksum_address
from web3 import Web3
import web3.exceptions
from web3.providers.base import BaseProvider
from web3.contract import Contract

from zero_ex.contract_addresses import chain_to_addresses, ChainId
import zero_ex.contract_artifacts
from import Exchange
from import Order
from zero_ex.contract_wrappers.order_conversions import order_to_jsdict
from zero_ex.dev_utils.type_assertions import (
from zero_ex.json_schemas import assert_valid

class _Constants:
    """Static data used by order utilities."""

    null_address = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

    eip191_header = b"\x19\x01"

    eip712_domain_separator_schema_hash = keccak(
        + b"string name,"
        + b"string version,"
        + b"uint256 chainId,"
        + b"address verifyingContract"
        + b")"

    eip712_domain_struct_header = (
        + keccak(b"0x Protocol")
        + keccak(b"3.0.0")

    eip712_order_schema_hash = keccak(
        + b"address makerAddress,"
        + b"address takerAddress,"
        + b"address feeRecipientAddress,"
        + b"address senderAddress,"
        + b"uint256 makerAssetAmount,"
        + b"uint256 takerAssetAmount,"
        + b"uint256 makerFee,"
        + b"uint256 takerFee,"
        + b"uint256 expirationTimeSeconds,"
        + b"uint256 salt,"
        + b"bytes makerAssetData,"
        + b"bytes takerAssetData,"
        + b"bytes makerFeeAssetData,"
        + b"bytes takerFeeAssetData"
        + b")"

    class SignatureType(Enum):
        """Enumeration of known signature types."""

        ILLEGAL = 0
        INVALID = auto()
        EIP712 = auto()
        ETH_SIGN = auto()
        WALLET = auto()
        VALIDATOR = auto()
        PRE_SIGNED = auto()
        N_SIGNATURE_TYPES = auto()

[docs]def generate_order_hash_hex( order: Order, exchange_address: str, chain_id: int ) -> str: """Calculate the hash of the given order as a hexadecimal string. :param order: The order to be hashed. Must conform to `the 0x order JSON schema <>`_. :param exchange_address: The address to which the 0x Exchange smart contract has been deployed. :returns: A string, of ASCII hex digits, representing the order hash. Inputs and expected result below were copied from @0x/order-utils/test/order_hash_test.ts >>> generate_order_hash_hex( ... Order( ... makerAddress="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ... takerAddress="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ... feeRecipientAddress="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ... senderAddress="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ... makerAssetAmount="0", ... takerAssetAmount="0", ... makerFee="0", ... takerFee="0", ... expirationTimeSeconds="0", ... salt="0", ... makerAssetData=((0).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') * 20), ... takerAssetData=((0).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') * 20), ... makerFeeAssetData=((0).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') * 20), ... takerFeeAssetData=((0).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') * 20), ... ), ... exchange_address="0x1dc4c1cefef38a777b15aa20260a54e584b16c48", ... chain_id=1337 ... ) 'cb36e4fedb36508fb707e2c05e21bffc7a72766ccae93f8ff096693fff7f1714' """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) assert_is_address(exchange_address, "exchange_address") assert_valid( order_to_jsdict(order, chain_id, exchange_address), "/orderSchema" ) def pad_20_bytes_to_32(twenty_bytes: bytes): return bytes(12) + twenty_bytes def int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(i: int): return i.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big") eip712_domain_struct_hash = keccak( _Constants.eip712_domain_struct_header + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(chain_id)) + pad_20_bytes_to_32(to_bytes(hexstr=exchange_address)) ) def ensure_bytes(str_or_bytes: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes: return ( to_bytes(hexstr=cast(bytes, str_or_bytes)) if isinstance(str_or_bytes, str) else str_or_bytes ) eip712_order_struct_hash = keccak( _Constants.eip712_order_schema_hash + pad_20_bytes_to_32(to_bytes(hexstr=order["makerAddress"])) + pad_20_bytes_to_32(to_bytes(hexstr=order["takerAddress"])) + pad_20_bytes_to_32(to_bytes(hexstr=order["feeRecipientAddress"])) + pad_20_bytes_to_32(to_bytes(hexstr=order["senderAddress"])) + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(order["makerAssetAmount"])) + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(order["takerAssetAmount"])) + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(order["makerFee"])) + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(order["takerFee"])) + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(order["expirationTimeSeconds"])) + int_to_32_big_endian_bytes(int(order["salt"])) + keccak(ensure_bytes(order["makerAssetData"])) + keccak(ensure_bytes(order["takerAssetData"])) + keccak(ensure_bytes(order["makerFeeAssetData"])) + keccak(ensure_bytes(order["takerFeeAssetData"])) ) return keccak( _Constants.eip191_header + eip712_domain_struct_hash + eip712_order_struct_hash ).hex()
[docs]def is_valid_signature( provider: BaseProvider, data: str, signature: str, signer_address: str ) -> bool: """Check the validity of the supplied signature. Check if the supplied `signature`:code: corresponds to signing `data`:code: with the private key corresponding to `signer_address`:code:. :param provider: A Web3 provider able to access the 0x Exchange contract. :param data: The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature. :param signature: The hex encoded signature. :param signer_address: The hex encoded address that signed the data to produce the supplied signature. :returns: Tuple consisting of a boolean and a string. Boolean is true if valid, false otherwise. If false, the string describes the reason. >>> is_valid_signature( ... Web3.HTTPProvider(""), ... '0x6927e990021d23b1eb7b8789f6a6feaf98fe104bb0cf8259421b79f9a34222b0', ... '0x1B61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc3340349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace225403', ... '0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631', ... ) True """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) assert_is_provider(provider, "provider") assert_is_hex_string(data, "data") assert_is_hex_string(signature, "signature") assert_is_address(signer_address, "signer_address") return Exchange( provider, chain_to_addresses( ChainId( int(Web3(provider).eth.chainId) # pylint: disable=no-member ) ).exchange, ) bytes.fromhex(remove_0x_prefix(HexStr(data))), to_checksum_address(signer_address), bytes.fromhex(remove_0x_prefix(HexStr(signature))), )
class ECSignature(TypedDict): """Object representation of an elliptic curve signature's parameters.""" v: int r: str s: str def _parse_signature_hex_as_vrs(signature_hex: str) -> ECSignature: """Parse signature hex as a concatentation of EC parameters ordered V, R, S. >>> _parse_signature_hex_as_vrs('0x1b117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b03') {'v': 27, 'r': '117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d87287113', 's': '7feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b'} """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) signature: ECSignature = { "v": int(signature_hex[2:4], 16), "r": signature_hex[4:68], "s": signature_hex[68:132], } if signature["v"] == 0 or signature["v"] == 1: signature["v"] = signature["v"] + 27 return signature def _parse_signature_hex_as_rsv(signature_hex: str) -> ECSignature: """Parse signature hex as a concatentation of EC parameters ordered R, S, V. >>> _parse_signature_hex_as_rsv('0x117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b00') {'r': '117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d87287113', 's': '7feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b', 'v': 27} """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) signature: ECSignature = { "r": signature_hex[2:66], "s": signature_hex[66:130], "v": int(signature_hex[130:132], 16), } if signature["v"] == 0 or signature["v"] == 1: signature["v"] = signature["v"] + 27 return signature def _convert_ec_signature_to_vrs_hex(signature: ECSignature) -> str: """Convert elliptic curve signature object to hex hash string. >>> _convert_ec_signature_to_vrs_hex( ... { ... 'r': '117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d87287113', ... 's': '7feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b', ... 'v': 27 ... } ... ) '0x1b117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b' """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) return ( "0x" + signature["v"].to_bytes(1, byteorder="big").hex() + signature["r"] + signature["s"] )
[docs]def sign_hash( web3_or_provider: Union[Web3, BaseProvider], signer_address: str, hash_hex: str, ) -> str: """Sign a message with the given hash, and return the signature. :param web3_or_provider: Either an instance of `web3.Web3`:code: or `web3.providers.base.BaseProvider`:code: :param signer_address: The address of the signing account. :param hash_hex: A hex string representing the hash, like that returned from `generate_order_hash_hex()`:code:. :returns: A string, of ASCII hex digits, representing the signature. >>> provider = Web3.HTTPProvider("") >>> sign_hash( ... provider, ... Web3(provider).geth.personal.listAccounts()[0], ... '0x34decbedc118904df65f379a175bb39ca18209d6ce41d5ed549d54e6e0a95004', ... ) '0x1b117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b03' """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) web3_instance = None if isinstance(web3_or_provider, BaseProvider): web3_instance = Web3(web3_or_provider) elif isinstance(web3_or_provider, Web3): web3_instance = web3_or_provider else: raise TypeError( "Expected parameter 'web3_or_provider' to be an instance of either" + " Web3 or BaseProvider" ) assert_is_address(signer_address, "signer_address") assert_is_hex_string(hash_hex, "hash_hex") # false positive from pylint: disable=no-member signature = web3_instance.eth.sign( # type: ignore signer_address, hexstr=hash_hex.replace("0x", "") ).hex() valid_v_param_values = [27, 28] # HACK: There is no consensus on whether the signatureHex string should be # formatted as v + r + s OR r + s + v, and different clients (even # different versions of the same client) return the signature params in # different orders. In order to support all client implementations, we # parse the signature in both ways, and evaluate if either one is a valid # signature. r + s + v is the most prevalent format from eth_sign, so we # attempt this first. ec_signature = _parse_signature_hex_as_rsv(signature) if ec_signature["v"] in valid_v_param_values: signature_as_vrst_hex = ( _convert_ec_signature_to_vrs_hex(ec_signature) + _Constants.SignatureType.ETH_SIGN.value.to_bytes( 1, byteorder="big" ).hex() ) valid = is_valid_signature( web3_instance.provider, hash_hex, signature_as_vrst_hex, signer_address, ) if valid is True: return signature_as_vrst_hex ec_signature = _parse_signature_hex_as_vrs(signature) if ec_signature["v"] in valid_v_param_values: signature_as_vrst_hex = ( _convert_ec_signature_to_vrs_hex(ec_signature) + _Constants.SignatureType.ETH_SIGN.value.to_bytes( 1, byteorder="big" ).hex() ) valid = is_valid_signature( web3_instance.provider, hash_hex, signature_as_vrst_hex, signer_address, ) if valid is True: return signature_as_vrst_hex raise RuntimeError( "Signature returned from web3 provider is in an unknown format. " + "Signature was: {signature}" )
[docs]def sign_hash_to_bytes( web3_or_provider: Union[Web3, BaseProvider], signer_address: str, hash_hex: str, ) -> bytes: """Sign a message with the given hash, and return the signature. >>> provider = Web3.HTTPProvider("") >>> sign_hash_to_bytes( ... provider, ... Web3(provider).geth.personal.listAccounts()[0], ... '0x34decbedc118904df65f379a175bb39ca18209d6ce41d5ed549d54e6e0a95004', ... ).decode(encoding='utf_8') '1b117902c86dfb95fe0d1badd983ee166ad259b27acb220174cbb4460d872871137feabdfe76e05924b484789f79af4ee7fa29ec006cedce1bbf369320d034e10b03' """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) return remove_0x_prefix( HexStr(sign_hash(web3_or_provider, signer_address, hash_hex)) ).encode(encoding="utf_8")